Our Vision
Faith in action transforming communities together across the Anglican Diocese of Leeds to see the flourishing of all who live there
Wellsprings Together has a strategic focus to support faith communities in social engagement with a particular expertise in parish-based community engagement. We aim to be a resource, adding capacity and expertise to local efforts and work. We work to connect the local to the regional and the national informing and inspiring across these various levels.
As the Anglican Diocese of Leeds’ chosen partner for supporting parish-based social action we want to help nurture and inspire a movement of faith-motivated social action which will enable people and communities to flourish. We want to build access to resources, information and expertise in faith based social action both recognising our own capability but also facilitating and hosting others.
- Resource parish church community engagement adding capacity and expertise to local efforts and work.
- Facilitate increased levels of community cohesion across differences of faith and ethnicity.
- Build engagement with resources, information and expertise in faith based social action.
- Inform and inspire decision makers at regional and national levels in regards the needs of grassroots communities and the response of faith based social action.
Why we do it: Our Values
Dignity: We acknowledge the inherent, indisputable value of each person, seeing each member of our communities as an individual gift, irrespective of wealth, ethnicity, culture, faith or gender. Where injustice or marginalisation threaten, we seek change for the good of the whole community.
Generosity: Recognising what each of us have been given, we are motivated to act by love. We seek to mutually create opportunities for the assets in each of our communities to be used as gifts for the common good.
Relationships: We encourage the bravery of listening first, particularly across difference, as we look to overcome the obstacles to connection and belonging. We seek to be a movement of shared investment, working in partnerships with others to find creative ways to live together well.
Flourishing: Our great hope is for individuals and communities to flourish as all they can be. We seek to inspire and enable pathways towards freedom, agency and justice, now and for the future.

Bishop Toby Howarth

Canon Denise Poole

Rev. Andrew Norman

Lydia Groenewald

Rev. Anne Russell

Rev. Jenny Ramsden

Ven. Bill Braviner
Partners and Supporters

The Anglican Diocese of Leeds covers 2,500 square miles, and is by area the biggest in the UK. The diocese serves more than 460 parishes, maintaining a Christian presence among a population of more than 2.5 million people. Wellsprings Together serves a network of locally based champions and support groups in the episcopal areas of Wakefield, Huddersfield, Leeds, Bradford and Ripon.
Church Urban Fund (CUF) was established by the Church of England as a practical response to unmet need and has been active in local communities for over 30 years. CUF's vision is to see people and communities all over England flourish and enjoy life in all its fullness. We are a member of the Together Network helping to give national reach to local action.